very State and Region in Myanmar has signature Food. Dawei Township, the city of Tanintharyi region in south eastern Myanmar has many Signature dishes. Among them Mote Latt Thouk is famous as a popular Dawei signature food. Everyone in Myanmar knows that Mote Latt Thouk represents Dawei. Local people of Dawei adore it and eat it every day. Mote Latt Thouk is eaten as a dessert in the afternoon and in the evening after dinner. And sometimes people eat it even as breakfast.

Ingredients of Mote Latt Thouk
Mote Latt Thouk contains fish, onion, salt, turmeric powder, sugar, glutamate, water, lemongrass, Nga Pi, fish salt, Mote Phat, Pa Ohn Yi (Dawei Vinegar). Pa Ohn Yi obtains from Plam liquid. Plam liquid get from Plam tree of deltas. The taste of Plam liquid in the early days is sweet and then the taste of Plam liquid after a few days becomes bitter. After that people ferment Plam liquid into the pot to become Pa Ohn Yi. In Mote Latt Thouk, Pa Ohn Yi is main ingredient. People of Tanintharyi use Pa Ohn Yi in Mote Latt Thouk, Myeik Kat Kyae Kite and Salad. The color of Pa Ohn Yi is white, the taste is sour and the smell is redolent. Some of the people use tamarind liquid instead of Pa Ohn Yi in Mote Latt Thouk. Most of the Dawei people use Nga Pi in cooking and it is also included in Mote Latt Thouk. Other people use fish sauce instead of Nga pi when cooking Mote Latt Thouk.

How to cook Mote Latt Thouk
First, add lemongrass, Pa Ohn Yi, water and fish and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes. And then you take out the fish from the oven and filet the fish. After that the fish soup, lemongrass and water cook to boil in the oven. When boiling water, you put the filet and onion into the oven. The onion must be chopped before being placed into the oven. For the taste, you can add salt, and glutamate. When the onion is delicate, the fish soup is ready to be eaten with Mote Phat. The signature taste of Mote Latt Thouk is sour, spicy and salty.

How to eat Mote Latt Thouk
People can eat Mote Latt Thouk with Mote Phat and fish soup. It can also be added with Sar Ka Lay Khwey, Chili powder, Bean sprouts and Cilantro in Mote Latt Thouk. People in Dawei eat it as a dessert and sometimes as a breakfast. Some people eat Mote Latt Thouk with rice, fish eggs and fermented Clams.

The eating style of Mote Latt Thouk is different in the various townships of the District. For Example, People in Thayetchaung Township (18 miles away from Dawei) eat Mote Latt Thouk with sugar. In Launglone Township which is about 13 miles far from Dawei, people eat Mote Latt Thouk with watercress. Some people in Dawei eat it with Pork. In the evening, most of the people eat Mot Latt Thouk as dessert at the shops and few of the people buy it on their way home. There are a lot of Mote Latt Thouk restaurant shops in Dawei. Among them, these shops are popular in Dawei : WaRean Zay that is located in front of Dawei Police Station, Ma Mee Nge shop which is near Kant Kaw Pin Monastery and Daw Nan shop that is near Payar Shint Myauk pagoda.

In conclusion Mote Latt Thouk is an essential food for Dawei People. People who stay away from their hometown, really miss eating Dawei traditional Mote Latt Thouk. If you visit Dawei, you should try Dawei's delicious Mote Latt Thouk. You will like to eat Mote Latt Thouk the next time and you can also try cooking Mote Latt Thouk with the above cooking method in your home. You can buy Pa Ohn Yi (Dawei Vinegar) or if you cannot get Pa Ohn Yi, you can cook with tamarind liquid. Therefore, I recommend that you don’t forget to eat Mote Latt Thouk when you visit the Dawei region.