Shwe Myint Mo( Cake and Bakery Shop) Sagaing

Restaurant Detail

Variety of cake and Bun

Review Highlight

You can get a variety of delicious and good quality of Bakery and Cake. It's have a good service and service are reliable. And the price are fair and reasonable for every kind of people. Next, You can get a fresh and delicious Butter Cakes and Honey Cakes, and you can buy many kinds of bakery and cakes. Foods, bakery and cakes in these shoes are fresh and have good quality.

Opening Times
7 AM to 7 PM

Local Passion's Rating

Locally Owned
Ethnic Culture

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Shwe Myint Mo( Cake and Bakery Shop) Sagaing

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Shwe Myint Mo( Cake and Bakery Shop) Sagaing

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